A little about the safety precautions we taking…

Tig & Peach takes a variety of actions every day to prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as the common cold, influenza, COVID-19, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and more. These actions are always guided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Please see below for a list of strategies that Tig & Peach has put in place.

Staying Home When Sick

Anyone who has symptoms of respiratory or gastrointestinal infections, such as cough, fever, sore throat, runny nose, vomiting, or diarrhea, should stay home and consult with a healthcare provider immediately then notify Tig & Peach as soon as they can.

Hand Hygiene and Respiratory Etiquette

Tig & Peach teachers and instructors continue to teach and reinforce proper handwashing to lower the risk of spreading viruses. Tig & Peach teachers and instructors also teach and reinforce covering coughs and sneezes to help keep children from getting and spreading infectious diseases.


Tig & Peach cleans all surfaces and toys throughout the day to reduce the risk of germs spreading. Tig & Peach swapped out all felt toys for wood toys and switched out items that are not easily cleaned.

Ventilation System

Tig & Peach has enhanced its already new ventilation system with MERV-13 filters for additional air purification and has opened the ventilation system to let in additional fresh air.


No nuts, no peanuts

In order to provide a safe and inclusive environment for all children, Tig & Peach is a nut-free zone. This means nuts, and any products containing nuts, may not be brought into our centres.

Some children's nut allergies are severe, and can be life-threatening. We want them to be able to play confidently too, so please help us by checking the ingredients of food before bringing it with you.

We also ask that, if your child consumes any nut-based product before coming to play or attend class, they wash their hands thoroughly and rinse their mouth out before entering either of our locations in Pelham and Rye.

Please refer to for further information on allergy-free snacks.

Thanks for helping us keep our Tig & Peach families and staff healthy and happy!

As always, our doors will be locked and you must be buzzed in to gain access to our space.

Updated January 2025.